vineri, 4 iulie 2014

   Module 3:in this unit we've got acquinted about the author's rights, the ways we can subdivide pupils into groups. We also learned about different internet resources and ideas how to use them more efficiently.
   Module 4:the key topic of this module is the child's protection using internet, the importance of providing security in using the net.Also we have to encourage, help and teach pupils how to make a presentation,a booklet,a wiki article,

miercuri, 4 iunie 2014

Modul 2-the ideas of this modul helped to realise that the project-teaching must correlate with the national standards  of teaching.The questions put in the project must come from general to concrete. The teacher must appreciate each step of the project and even involves students in the appreciation process.

luni, 5 mai 2014

Modul 1: Having got acguinted with project teaching I realised that it gives the possibility to students to develop  their way of studying by the way of a given topic and present the results of research in the form of  a ready - made product.